A new format of communication has emerged strongly in recent years: the Videocast. This involves being able to listen to podcasts and also to watch them. Video podcasts today garner thousands of views on YouTube and are very popular among young people!


Podcast and videocast: what’s the difference?

A podcast is an audio content distributed on the web. These are episodes that focus on a theme of one’s choice. It can be downloaded to a smartphone and listened to at any time. It is a popular format, often considered “easy to consume” because the episodes of a podcast can be listened to while doing other activities.


A videocast, on the other hand, is an audiovisual format. Here are different types of possible videocasts:

  • The interview, a very attractive concept in the world of podcasts, consists of inviting a person around a theme.
  • The monologue, shares your experiences with your target audience.
  • Testimonials, are predominantly used for product sales.
  • Live shows, can be likened to radio format, that is, live broadcasting. It’s the same concept, but filmed. Your audience watches your videos live from a platform.


Why is the videocast format attractive for your business?

The videocast is a distinctive way to enhance your brand image. Certain topics will allow you to highlight your sector of activity, inform about the launch of a new product or service… with the added bonus of video to humanize your brand. The corporate videocast offers your audience the opportunity to hear and see your employees, partners, clients… This format is ideal for creating a more personal relationship between the brand and its audience.


The benefits of the videocast for your business:

  • A format accessible to everyone and everywhere.
  • A way to retain your audience by creating multiple episodes.
  • A valorization of your company’s expertise.
  • An increase in notoriety thanks to shares on social networks.
  • An innovative media to strengthen customer relations.

The corporate videocast is an original way to stand out to your audience. This format invites your viewers to passively participate in a discussion around a theme related to your brand.


Do you have a videocast idea for your business and are looking for a partner to support you? Contact us!